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Who are we?

We're a Church of the Redeemer group of 20- and 30-somethings. We meet every Thursday night at 7:30 and try to wrap up around 9:00, meeting at a home in Sandy Springs, just north of Atlanta.

Here are some examples of studies we've completed:

Jackie Hill Perry guided us through Jude and its themes of being called, loved, and kept by God. With the help of Bible Project, we then traced the theme of dragons in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. In Tim Keller's Jesus the King, we explored the life of Jesus and our relationship to him in the gospel of Mark.

Know How We Got Our Bible took us through the history of the Bible as a written text. The Jesus Paul Knew encouraged us to view Jesus from different perspectives through the lens of Paul's letters. We also completed a series of overviews of various Christian traditions: Anglicans, Baptists, etc.

In addition to studies, we also set aside the last Thursday of the month to do something different: movie nights, dinners, etc.

Join us!